I always take Christmas through the New Year off.  I do not work (except for writing this).

But, I actually do a lot of work.

During the day, I’m with the kids. I bought a wrestling mat for the basement for my son and we’ve been using it everyday, it’s been a blast.

When they go to bed, I’ve been working…on me.

Here are a few things I’ve been doing:

1. ​
Reflecting on 2021

Personally, this was a tough but incredible year. 

I lost my dad, my grandma, Vanessa lost her dad and just a few days ago my college roommate passed away at 44 (please don’t reply with condolences, that is not the point here).

While all of this is painful, it’s out of my control.

The only thing I can control is how I respond.

One could look at this year and say it was a horrible one. 

Much of it was. 

Death is a very interesting thing. 

As painful as it is, it gives you a much bigger appreciation for life. 

The reflection process allowed me to process everything that happened and find the good in both the positive and negative things that occurred in 2021.

I simply just drew a line down the middle of a page and wrote positive on the left, negative on the right.
Just seeing it all gave me a lot of insight and ignited the second part…

2. Lessons learned in 2021

I wrote down everything that I now know in 2021 that I didn’t know before.

I thought about what happened in business, in my relationships, stuff I read, seminars I attended, experiences I had with clients, etc. 

I wrote out as many as I could.

It was awesome to see how much I know now, that I didn’t know before.

In 2021, the lesson of the year was definitely learning a clear definition of the meaning of life. 

Stay tuned for a 3 part podcast series on a handful of them.

3. What do I want from 2022

I set some very basic goals in a few key areas of life:

The business stuff was already mapped out in my annual plan sessions across all 4 companies.

There was other stuff I wanted to get clarity on.

I find that the more satisfied I am in life, the less goals I have.

For example, a weekly date night is often a goal for married couples.

Vanessa and I have been consistent with this since 2018 so instead of it taking will power it becomes just part of our life.

I think the key is to set great habits which lead to the outcomes you want.

It’s funny, after connecting with a few different people recently, they told me one of their goals was to be in a position to join the SPF Mastermind.

It made me proud to know we’ve created a community for gym owners so powerful that people have it on their goal list.

I get curious about what people need to be true in order to join something like the SPF Mastermind.

I’m guessing it could be a financial position.

Others, it could be what stage a business owner is in. 

I honestly find some of these thoughts a little peculiar.

Here’s why…

One of the most successful members, George Mcguire, from Kent Washington joined the mastermind when he was doing 8K/ month, had no employees and had just got out of a horrible business partnership.

Yes, it was a leap for him, but if you we’re to ask if he would do it all over, he’d say 100%.

Today he owns 4 rental properties, is doing 40K a month…and growing everyday. 

Another member from Philadelphia, Giancarlo Regni, joined the group at 24 years old and was doing less than 10K a month. 

He was not ready to join the SPF Mastermind.

He too, made the leap and now has 2 locations, owns a home and is destined for massive success before turning 30 years old.

So, if joining us is on your goal list…

…or you’ve thought about joining…

…or you want to take your business to the next level in 2022…

…and you know you need some help

Book a call with me in the new year here.

Vince Gabriele 👍

Plus, whenever you’re ready here are 4 ways to work with me:

1. Get 60 days of business coaching for $1

Join my private community of gym owners and get business coaching, marketing ideas and access to a massive vault of money making tools and resources.

Click here to join.

2. Work with Me 1-1 for 90 Days

Every quarter I take a small handful of gym owners that want private access to me and my team so they can enhance their effectiveness as a leader, marketer and entrepreneur.

Reply to this email with “Work with Vince” in the subject to get more information

3. Join My 6 Week New Client Surge Masterclass

If you want help installing a marketing system for your gym so you can add 10-20 new clients a month on autopilot…instead of wondering where your next client will come from…this is for you.

Click here for more information.

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