Yesterday a woman at Starbucks was attempting to exit with 4 cups of coffee in hand.
She couldn’t open the door and I saw she was really struggling
This was not an older woman that should have needed my assistance, in fact, she could have easily opened the door with her back.
I saw her struggling so I walked over and opened the door for her.
As I held open the door for her…she wouldn’t walk through…and kept saying,
“Oh my God, what am I gonna do, Oh my God, what am I gonna do!”
I stood there holding the door open, very confused.
Then looked down and saw a few bugs flying around, no bees or anything, just some bugs.
She literally started freaking out about the bugs and wouldn’t exit.
Finally, she scurried out the door yelling…”Oh my God, what am I gonna do, Oh my God, what am I gonna do!
She went right then quickly pivoted left…and danced around the parking lot yelling trying to get away from the harmless bugs.
I just stood there in amazement, then walked in and started typing this email…
We laugh at stuff like this right, but some of us are hypocrites…because we do the same thing in our business.
We see small bugs(in the form of business problems and challenges) and start to freak out and say(in our heads)
“Oh my God, what am I gonna do, Oh my God, what am I gonna do!
We freak out when the client cancels.
We freak out when the trainer quits.
We freak out when the lead flow slows down.
We turn these small bugs into these stinging killer bees which turn us into panic mode.
We see the bugs…and we react…instead of responding.
This usually leads to poor decisions.
Here’s what the woman should have done…but didn’t because she was freaking out and her lizard brain was in overdrive.
The bugs were only in front of one door…the door I risked my life holding open for her.
There are two other exits in this Starbucks.
A calm, reasonable reaction could have suggested to themselves…
“There are bugs I don’t like the looks of right there…I’m gonna head out the other door where there are no bugs blocking the exit…”
No panic, no freakout, no emotional reaction, just a better decision.
So the next time you’re faced with a bug in your business…before you turn it into a killer bee in your mind…
…Take a breath, ask yourself this question…
What’s the wise thing to do?
It’s never wise to panic, freak out or get emotional.
When you follow this…you’ll respond…usually more successfully…and make a better decision.
Here’s some of the best business advice I’ve ever gotten…
“Vince, take a chill pill”
So I’ll forward that advice to you today.
Have a great weekend
Vince Gabriele
P.S. If you’re a gym owner…Whenever you’re ready, here’s 4 ways to work with me
1. Join the 6 Week New Client Surge LIVE starting on October 12th.
The Surge is my flagship marketing course for gym owners that I teach live 2x per year. The goal after the 6 weeks is you have a full-blown marketing system installed into your gym.
Get Early Bird Pricing AND Early Access to the course HERE
2. Inquire about attending my Annual Fitness Business Mastery Seminar on December 3-5.
Once per year I bring 20 gym owners behind the curtain of my gym for 3 full days to teach you everything…and show you everything…that we do to run one of America’s most successful gyms.
The goal is you leave the seminar a smarter and more successful gym owner…that knows how to make money…but spends a LOT less time making it.
This Seminar is NOT available to purchase online….
For more details…
Email with SEMINAR in the subject to book a call, the only way into this event is via a personal call with me.
3. Be a guest at my next LIVE SPF Mastermind Event on November 12-13.
For each mastermind meeting, I allow 5 non-members to purchase guest passes to our 2-day private workshops. You’ll get to test drive the mastermind, meet the members and then decide for yourself if we’re the right group for you.
To inquire about a guest pass and get more info on the mastermind please click here
4. Become a Private Coaching Client
Each year I work with a handful of 1-1 clients and have a spot remaining for private client work. This is NOT for newbie gym owners but if you’re cranking out strong six figures and need the leadership coaching to take it to 7 figures this is for you.
Email with “Private Client” in the subject and we’ll hop on a call to see if this is the right fit.