I spent last weekend with the CEO Mastermind in Colorado Springs. 

This is a group of 9 top-shelf gym owners…many doing very big numbers.
I have them fill out a very lengthy packet before each meeting…

Which helps them boil their current challenges, which they want to discuss at the meeting. 

Here’s what happens almost every time:

The problem they think they have is NOT the problem. 

It’s usually the symptom. 

Here’s how this works in our world:

Someone visits a physical therapist with a bad knee. 

So they start doing stuff to the knee(think ice, heat stim, etc)

Maybe it works temporarily but you and I both know that the “real problem” is most likely coming from the hip or the ankle. 

The same goes for business.

We think we have a marketing idea problem…

…Like the campaigns we used to run don’t work as well…and we need to create a new name for it, change the offer, and find a new way to promote it. 

Then we look at our day and realize that we’re spending 17 hours coaching, 5 hours in meetings, 7 hours leading and training staff, 5 hours doing sales…

…and when we have time we do some marketing.

In this scenario, it’s NOT a marketing problem, it’s a personal capacity issue.

And all the marketing ideas won’t fix the issue.

Being a great problem solver is par for the course as a business owner.

But knowing how to identify the actual problem is an even more important skill.

Many times, a fresh pair of eyes is needed to help you see things you’re blinded by.

Even after 13 years as a gym owner, I still need people to help me when I’m hung up on a symptom…and not addressing the real problem. 

I’ll be teaching about how to identify the problem vs symptom on this Wednesdays LIVE Mastermind Call(October 20th at NOON EST)

Because this is SO important…I’ve decided to open up 3 spots for people on my list to be a guest.

You’ll be granted access to the call for free if…

1. You are among the first 3 people to respond to this email 
2. You are genuinely interested in learning about how to become a member of the SPF Mastermind
3. You’re friendly and coachable
4. You’re open to jumping on a 10-minute call for us to learn about your business before you attend the call.

Would you like to join us?

Vince Gabriele

P.S. If you’re a gym owner…Whenever you’re ready, here’s 4 ways to work with me

1. Join the 6 Week New Client Surge LIVE starting on October 12th. 

The Surge is my flagship marketing course for gym owners that I teach live 2x per year. The goal after the 6 weeks is you have a full-blown marketing system installed into your gym. 

Get Early Bird Pricing AND Early Access to the course HERE

2. Inquire about attending my Annual Fitness Business Mastery Seminar on December 3-5. 

Once per year I bring 20 gym owners behind the curtain of my gym for 3 full days to teach you everything…and show you everything…that we do to run one of America’s most successful gyms. 

The goal is you leave the seminar a smarter and more successful gym owner…that knows how to make money…but spends a LOT less time making it. 

This Seminar is NOT available to purchase online….

For more details…

Email jill@vincegabriele.com with SEMINAR in the subject to book a call, the only way into this event is via a personal call with me. 

3. Be a guest at my next LIVE SPF Mastermind Event on November 12-13. 

For each mastermind meeting, I allow 5 non-members to purchase guest passes to our 2-day private workshops. You’ll get to test drive the mastermind, meet the members and then decide for yourself if we’re the right group for you. 

To inquire about a guest pass and get more info on the mastermind please click here

4. Become a Private Coaching Client 

Each year I work with a handful of 1-1 clients and have a spot remaining for private client work. This is NOT for newbie gym owners but if you’re cranking out strong six figures and need the leadership coaching to take it to 7 figures this is for you.

Email jill@vincegabriele.com with “Private Client” in the subject and we’ll hop on a call to see if this is the right fit.

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