5 ways to get your next 10 clients without…

Could you be a gym owner that is committing Marketing Malpractice?

Read on to see if you’re a violator…

At the last Mastermind the topic of marketing budgets came up. 

Personally, I hate marketing budgets but I do realize people want some clarity on how much they should be spending on marketing. 

The range that was thrown around was around 5-10% of revenue…which is a guide if you must have one. 

But, there are lots of gym owners that could be committing marketing malpractice and I have a hunch you could be on the naughty list too.

Here’s how, your’s truly, defines marketing malpractice (defined in red to remind me of my 5th grade English teacher who is appalled with my writing style).

A Gym Owner who currently has assets and resources they could use to get 10 new clients very easily and at No Cost…yet they toss their hard earned profits at the latest Facebook ad guru that promised you a lambo…or spends even more money hoping that some white knight agency can come out of the sky and solve ALL their marketing problems.

SPF Head Business Coach and SPF Mastermind Legend, Joe Hashey, deployed a system called the NO SPEND Marketing plan during the pandemic which was essentially an intentional marketing plan that required ZERO ad spend. 

A brilliant concept for the time period if you ask me…

Think about this question….

What would you do for marketing if you could only use methods that did not cost any money?

The question alone would force you to think, be more creative and to find a way to get it done.

Now, let me be clear, I spent a LOT of money on marketing all my companies…


I see gym owners everyday committing marketing malpractice and NOT doing the basics that don’t cost you a dime.

So, to help you if you’re a violator of marketing malpractice…and you want 5 ways to get 10 new clients without spending any money…

I’m teaching a FREE live training titled:

5 Ways to Get Your Next 10 Clients Without Spending a Dime to Get Em

I can feel my English teacher squirming about the title of my live training, poor lady. 

Here’s some even better news for you my little violator of marketing malpractice…

…The training, just like the 5 ways to get new clients…is FREE…

All you need to do is reply to this email with these words in bold, red font…

“I AM 100% a Violator of Marketing Malpractice”

Just kidding! 

Just reply with YES and I’ll send you the Zoom link. 

Vince Gabriele 👍

Plus, whenever you’re ready here are 4 ways to work with me

1. Join my LIVE Annual Planning Session on December 17th.

Join me and the SPF Mastermind for a full day virtually to map out your entire personal and business goals for 2022.

Reply to this email with “Annual Planning” in the subject to get more information

2. Get 60 days of business coaching for $1

Join my private community of gym owners and get business coaching, marketing ideas and access to a massive vault of money making tools and resources.

Click here to join.

3. Work with Me 1-1 for 90 Days

Every quarter I take a small handful of gym owners that want private access to me and my team so they can enhance their effectiveness as a leader, marketer and entrepreneur.

Reply to this email with “Work with Vince” in the subject to get more information

4. Join My 6 Week New Client Surge Masterclass

If you want help installing a marketing system for your gym so you can add 10-20 new clients a month on autopilot…instead of wondering where your next client will come from…this is for you

Click here for more information.

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Hey, I’m Vince Gabriele. Listen to my award winning podcast by clicking below

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