I went on a journey to find all the things you can buy for a buck …this was what came up.
1. Egg Separator…But you can also get 60 Days in my New Business Coaching for the same price
2. Plastic Bag Dispenser…But you can also get my new Book Titled Unshakeable Gym for a few pennies mas.
3. Beauty Blender…But You can also get a 4 Module Business and Cash Flow course that I ran recently for exactly the same investment
4. Bottle Opener Ring…But you can also get 2 hard copy print newsletters loaded with money making goodness shipped to your door for literally $1, which means if you buy both and spend $2, you can drink a cold beer and read the newsletter at the same time
5. Rainbow Quartz Necklace…But you can also watch a 90-minute coaching call that taught gym owners how to make money in a recession…for this one you don’t even have to spend the buck!
6. Cactus Wallet…But you can also get a Video presentation I did titled How To Uncover Hidden Money In a Recession for 100 pennies too.
7. Garbage Bag Holder…Seriously? You’ll buy a garbage bag holder for $1 but won’t spend that same buck to get everything that comes with60 Days as a member of the MMIC??? C’mon Man!
Here’s the link:
Vince Gabriele 👍
P.S. If you’ve already purchased my year round Black Friday deal (you know who you are) …but cancelled…reply here with “I’m Back” and we’ll reinstate you at the regular member price before it goes up next year.
More Stuff To Buy Below
Plus, whenever you’re ready here are 4 ways to work with me
1. Join my LIVE Annual Planning Session on December 17th.
Join me and the SPF Mastermind for a full day virtually to map out your entire personal and business goals for 2022.
Reply to this email with “Annual Planning” in the subject to get more information
2. Get 60 days of business coaching for $1
Join my private community of gym owners and get business coaching, marketing ideas and access to a massive vault of money making tools and resources.
Click here to join.
3. Work with Me 1-1 for 90 Days
Every quarter I take a small handful of gym owners that want private access to me and my team so they can enhance their effectiveness as a leader, marketer and entrepreneur.
Reply to this email with “Work with Vince” in the subject to get more information
4. Join My 6 Week New Client Surge Masterclass
If you want help installing a marketing system for your gym so you can add 10-20 new clients a month on autopilot…instead of wondering where your next client will come from…this is for you
Click here for more information.