I was down at the Jersey Shore a few days ago to get away and do my own planning for the year.
I stopped at a local diner and they had advertisements all over their placemats.
Here was the conversation between me and the Diner Guy.
Me: “How much it cost to be on the placemat?”
Diner Guy: “About $2,000 per year.”
Me: “Ok, thanks.”
Diner Guy (convincingly): “It works.”
Me (surprised): “It does?”
Diner Guy: “Yes.”
Me: “How do you know it works?”
Diner Guy: “I’ve been doing this for 35 years, it works.”
Me: “So, people actually make money from advertising here?”
Diner Guy: “I have no idea about that, I just know people look at it.”
There were lots of different types of businesses from lawyers to duct cleaners but there was one commonality between them all.
They all were most likely setting money on fire from a crucial error they all made.
Based on what you’ve learned from me over the past years:
What did these businesses do wrong and what could they do to make this a worthwhile investment?
Reply and enter to win.
The best answer wins a free 60-minute marketing strategy call with me.
1. Work with me 1-1 in 2019
Join me and my team at my gym in New Jersey for 2 days and get a fire lit under you. This seminar has been the launching pad for many gym owners build the gym of their dreams.
Note: There’s no obligation to sign up but you’ll lock in early bird price which is a good idea because the investment will go up dramatically this year.
3. Listen to my Podcast
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