burnout (exercise to help)

Are you burning out right now?

If yes, my advice is to slow down and figure out why. 

Are you working too many hours?

IS there too much financial stress?

IS there anx from what is going on in the world that causes uncertainty?

Here’s an exercise I teach to my Mastermind that helps you feel better instantly.

While this exercise is not going to fix every case, it’ll make you feel better in the moment and help you have a clearer head to make decisions on how to resolve your current burnout situation.

It is possible you just need time off.

No gym went out of business because the owner took a few days off.

But, plenty of them went under because the owner never took time off and burned themselves out. 

If you’re any of the following…do this exercise:

  • Anxious
  • Stressed
  • Overwhelmed
  • Uncertain
  • Tired

Get out a blank sheet of paper and answer these 2 questions:

Question 1: What is going great in my life right now? 

When we feel like crap, sometimes we look at everything in our lives that way. 

You could be stressed about an issue with an employee that is consuming you.

But after you jot down what going great, you may find things like:

  • A loyal member base
  • A bigger cash cushion than ever 
  • Your health is strong overall 
  • You have a great marriage 
  • You have healthy kids 

Once you realize all the great things going on, this employee thing just becomes a problem to solve…instead of how you’re doing in life.

Question 2: What’s stressing me out right now?

Maybe it’s one thing.

Maybe it’s 10, doesn’t matter.

Write down all the things stressing you out.

After you write the list, next to each thing write ONE thing you can do to help that situation.

Let’s use that employee issue from above.

One thing you could do is simply make a decision on how you’re going to handle that situation

  • You could decide to fire them
  • You could decide to set a meeting to talk to them 
  • You could decide to out them on a 30 day performance improvement plan
  • You could decide to ask them if any thing is going on in their life that’s causing them to perform poorly

Whatever you decide, it doesn’t matter.

You just want to get out of your head and make a decision toward solving the problems that are stressing you out.

Even if you don’t solve the problem right away, you’re chipping away at it.

Hope this exercise helps you, it’s certainly something that helps me.

Vince Gabriele 👍

Plus, whenever you’re ready here are 4 ways to work with me:

1. Join my LIVE Annual Planning Session on December 17th.

Join me and the SPF Mastermind for a full day virtually to map out your entire personal and business goals for 2022.

Reply to this email with “Annual Planning” in the subject to get more information

2. Get 60 days of business coaching for $1

Join my private community of gym owners and get business coaching, marketing ideas and access to a massive vault of money making tools and resources.

Click here to join.

3. Work with Me 1-1 for 90 Days

Every quarter I take a small handful of gym owners that want private access to me and my team so they can enhance their effectiveness as a leader, marketer and entrepreneur.

Reply to this email with “Work with Vince” in the subject to get more information

4. Join My 6 Week New Client Surge Masterclass

If you want help installing a marketing system for your gym so you can add 10-20 new clients a month on autopilot…instead of wondering where your next client will come from…this is for you

​​Click here for more information.

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