I was on a disappointing call with the Tech Nerd recently.
The poor Tech Nerd called me about a grown-up that yelled at him on the phone last week.
Since the Tech Nerd looks young, sometimes people don’t know of his savage business and marketing skills, and also underestimate the Tech Nerds high skills in Jedi Mind Tricks.
Anyway, this boob totally messed something up and the Tech Nerd called him out, as he should of…
Instead of owning up to his mistake, this grown adult went on the attack.
Literally yelling at my Tech Nerd, if I were there, I would have virtually strangled him.
Well, the only thing this guy did was make himself famous…as here I am…writing about his big cry baby tantrum.
The Tech Nerd stayed cool and calm, as I know he would….and just let the baby have his bottle.
Which brings me to my points for today’s email:
1. If you want to influence others, have the lowest heart rate in the room.
When they trained Vanessa and I on how to deal with toddlers that throw themselves on the floor, and scream and cry, they pretty much told us to ignore them and wait for the tantrum to be over.
If you want to be ignored, tuned out, and not taken seriously, continue to throw tantrums.
If you want to influence people, stay calm…have the lowest heart rate in the conversation, and things will be ok.
It’s a parenting lesson I learned but can be applied to leadership and influencing others as well.
2. Take 100% ownership over your success.
The whiny baby I talked about above was not taking ownership.
He was looking for someone to blame.
Sometime gym owners do this.
We want to blame Facebook sucking for our lack of marketing success, but at the end of the day we own the marketing and have control on whatever platforms we choose.
We want to blame our staff that the energy in session isn’t good, but at the end of the day we hired them…right?
We want to blame our clients that they don’t eat right, so that’s why they’re not losing weight.
We blame COVID, the economy, and the guy down the street that sucks.
Listen…when you take the blame away, you give yourself complete control.
You’ll never again go on a rant and embarrass yourself on a call about how you’re right and they’re wrong.
Now, I know you probably don’t do that, but hopefully this funny story can serve as a reminder for my points above.
Vince Gabriele
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