I’ve been knee deep in hiring people across all 4 of my companies.
In addition to that, I’ve been pushing the members of the SPF Mastermind to focus on a concept called WHO NOT HOW.
This essentially means when you want to get something done, you ask the question who can help me do this instead of: How am I going to get this done?
The #1 ingredient to burnout is doing it all on your own.
The first step toward avoiding burnout is being able to recruit and hire the right people.
I outline the 6 steps I use in the hiring process in my 364 Hiring Manual, if you don’t have this yet, it’s one you need on your shelf.
You can get a hard copy of that book for $47, hit reply and put “Hiring” in the subject line and we’ll send you the link to purchase.
To give you a heads up, this book is very short and all sales are final.
You may be wondering why this short book is so expensive…
This short book will be your guide to hire every new trainer for the rest of your business career…$47 is a tiny sum for that result.
Anyway, here’s the tip I use 100% of time when I hire new team members.
I have never hired anyone that does not do this.
Steve Jobs said he wants to work with people that are going to fall in love with Apple.
I want the same for my companies.
I want people running home to their spouse telling them about the amazing job interview they just had, and how grateful they would be to become a member of our team.
Anything less than that, they are showing up for a paycheck.
I don’t want, and never will work with paycheck collectors, no matter what position they hold.
So, here’s what I look for.
After the interview, I wait anxiously for them to email me.
If they do, I continue with the interview process.
If they don’t, I throw away their resume.
In 15 years I have only made this mistake once, I hired someone that did not follow up after the interview.
And guess what… they lasted a month.
If they are not excited enough to do this than they are not a fit for my company and they are probably not a fit for yours either.
Stick to this rule and it’ll save you a ton of time and money in the long run.
Vince Gabriele
P.S. If you want to buy my very short and very expensive book on hiring, email jill@vincegabriele.com with “Hiring” in the subject and we’ll send you a link to purchase it.