Just got done with our weekly GM meeting. Every Friday Bern McKenna meet a local restaurant at 7 AM to recap the week.
We almost always get steak and eggs!
This meeting definitely goes down as one of best success strategies.
We both prepare a pre-determined report recapping the week.
Bern is in charge of all number tracking and has a weekly report to keep me in touch with everything from leads to out status with our monthly revenue goal
We also discuss the best thing that happened through the week, the worst thing that happened, the best thing that could happen next week and a list of action steps top make this happen
We also have huge AH HA moments like we did this morning. We fully systematized our Youth Athlete Marketing Plan to create an effective approach that all members of our team could implement.
We are fired up for this I will be outlining this process at our Mentorship. This is 12 years of Youth athlete Marketing experience all rolled out into an easy system.
Have a great weekend,