How This Washington Gym Owner Went From 221K to 394k in 2018.

I received a text from a SPF Mastermind member, Jimmy McCurry, about a week ago showing me his year-end revenue increase. Jimmy joined the group in December of 2017.  

It made my day.  

 The biggest thing we worked on was mastering the Sales and Marketing side of his business.  

 We needed to get to a healthy number of high paying clients to be able to start to get the business to the next level.  

 We revamped his pricing structure, sales process, installed a referral system and a much more efficient and persistent lead follow up system.  

 We also focused on his Marketing Strategy.  

 While many focus on the tactics of marketing, we took a step back and made sure Jimmy was clear on his target market and his message to that market.  

 As you can see from the text, it made a pretty big difference.  

 Jimmy is the classic progression from moving to stage 1 to stage 2 as a gym owner. 

 Now his focus is starting to build a team and become a leader.  

 He has the money to hire a team. 

 The time to think. 

 The freedom to spend more time with his family. 

 I am assuming you’ll continue to hear great things about this guy.  

 If you were inspired by Jimmy’s results and are intrigued about the Mastermind that he credits as the catapult for his success, you may want to join us for 2 days in Orlando next month.  

Jimmy will be making the trip all the way across the country from Washington to get there.  

Send me an email,,  if you’d like to chat with me about joining us.  


Vince Gabriele

Plus, whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways to work with me: 
1. Work with me 1-1 in 2019  
In 2019, I will be taking on a few select gym owners to work with me in a private coaching program. This is not for newbies and you need to be doing at least $300K in revenue to be accepted into this program.   
Email me personally to see if you qualify for this program at and put “1-1 in 2019” in the subject.   
2. Get on the early bird list for my Spring 2019 Mentorship.   
Join me and my team at my gym in New Jersey for 2 days and get a fire lit under you. This seminar has been the launching pad for many gym owners build the gym of their dreams.   
Email to get on early bird list.  
Note: There’s no obligation to sign up but you’ll lock in early bird price which is a good idea because the investment will go up dramatically this year.   
3. Listen to my Podcast  
If you’re not yet a subscriber to the Fitness Business University Podcast than click below to add this to your list. There are close to 40 episodes packed with money making info. Click the link and subscribe so you’ll get notified when new ones come out.  
4. Attend a Mastermind Meeting  
Join us on February 21-22 in Orlando, Florida for an SPF Mastermind Meeting.   

Reply to this email with Orlando Mastermind in the subject to get more info.

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