Vince Gabriele’s Storybrand Conference Review
After Vince read the book, “Building a Story Brand” by Donald Miller, he couldn’t deny how good the book was or his almost compelling need to attend the next live conference. So on very short notice, Vince booked his ticket and headed to Nashville, TN to learn how to clarify his message. Storybrand describes their conferences objectives as eliminating confusion, connecting with customers and growing your company.
Here’s what Vince learned at the conference. The main message of the conference is to make our brand messaging super simple. A confused mind doesn’t buy. Your job is to make the message so clear, that they don’t have to figure out your message. If they have to try to understand your message, they likely won’t buy.
All of your brand messaging including your advertising, facebook, IG, twitter, and emails, should be simple. Believe it or not, all of your writing should be on 3rd and 4th grade level. Check out the Hemingway Editor App which, will help you writing become bold and clear and can actually tell you what grade level you’re writing on.
Storybrand uses a simple principle to show you how to clarify your message. They actually relate it to the movies. All good movies use the following format:
- Main character of a story
- Character has a problem or obstacle
- The character needs help and meets someone
- The “guide” or helper, creates a plan
- Guide calls the character into action
The Results can only be two outcomes: Either Failure or Success
When you’re creating your marketing message you have to remember that you message should address either the external problem or the internal problem of your character.
Here’s an example of each problem.
The external problem: Things they cannot control, i.e. Pants don’t fit
The Internal problem: How does the external problem, make them feel, i.e. frustrated, angry, depressed, etc.
It’s extremely important that as a business owner, that you realize that you’re the guide, not the hero of the story. Let your customer/client be the hero of their own story.