How To Work ON Your Business

Today my CEO Mastermind is coming to New Jersey from all over the country.

They’ll be spending the next 2 days rolling up their sleeves and working ON their business.

They don’t just show up though.

They spend about 4 hours preparing a document that asks them a ton of questions about their business.

These questions give them something to do that most gym owners don’t…


The document challenges them to think about the following aspects of their business:

·       Their overall business strategy.

·       Their main job as the CEO.

·       Their financials and key numbers.

·       Their biggest obstacles.

·       Their biggest opportunities.

·       Their team.

·       Their biggest Focus for the next 90 days.

These are the things that gym owners that are stuck working IN their business…never really get to think about.

Your biggest asset as a business owner is your brain.

Your brain works best when you step away from your normal environment and give yourself a chance to process everything.

This is why being part of a Mastermind is so important.

A Mastermind forces you to build in this kind of thinking time for your business.

Without it, we’d probably never even consider doing this kind of important work.

If you’re not currently in a Mastermind where this type of thing is built in for you, here’s what I’d suggest…

Head over to your local library with no computer or phone.

The only thing you need is a kitchen timer, a pad and a pen.

Write this question at the top of the page:

What are the 5 Brutal Facts About My Business Right Now?

Set your timer for 60 minutes and start writing.

Don’t stop writing for 60 minutes.

This is how you think.

The best thinking is done with a pen.

If you’d like to skip this exercise and just have me and my team help you do this kind of stuff on a regular basis…so you can get more clarity and bring down the noise in your head…

Email with Mastermind in the subject, and we’ll set up a call to chat.

Vince Gabriele

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