Is Your Website Broken

I asked a long-time member of my gym this question

 “If you were looking for a personal trainer or gym what’s the first thing you would do?

His response: 

“I would go to the Google” -LOL

Many gym owners are ignoring the largest search engine in the world. 

They’re still hoping Facebook changes back the algorithm and that they’ll start getting $2 leads again


While their sitting around hoping Facebook goes back to what it was… I’ve been working hard showing my mastermind members how to get more clients from Google

It’s not what you think either

It’s not telling them how to run Google Ads(but you should learn this too)

It’s their website. 

Most gym owners have ignored their website as a viable source to generate leads. 

When I ask questions like: 

How many people visited your website last week?

How many people that visited your website gave you their email address?

Most have NO CLUE

Here we have the largest search engine in the world and no one even knows if it’s actually an asset for them

The biggest problem with websites is that they are created by designers and not marketers

I’ll take an ugly website that converts over a beautiful website that literally gets ZERO opt-ins each month

But you know what’s going to make you some serious cash?

A Beautiful Website That Converts

 I suggested my mastermind members do several things to improve their website into a viable client generating asset…here’s a few of them

  • A Unique Selling Proposition
  • A Video from the owner
  • Clear Call to action buttons
  • A testimonial section
  • An About sections that talks about your team
  • Short, clear copy that is customer centric
  • A Blog that uses key words
  • Make sure the website passes the grunt test 

When someone from your town goes to google to search for personal training do you come up on the first page?

We ran a test on a few sites recently and they were coming up on page 5!

Have you ever bought anything from page 5 on google?

Me neither. 

Does your website take forever to load?

Speed is a massively important factor and most have no clue if their website is slower than 4-year-old running a 40-yard dash

I could go on and on

Bottom Line: You need a great website that converts, don’t ignore it

Vince Gabriele

Do you want help getting your website to start getting new clients for FREE?

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