I spoke at the IDEA Personal Trainer Institute a few weeks ago
I did several talks and worked really hard to prepare for them
This past week I got the reviews back from the attendees
They rated each presentation from 1-5 stars
In most of them I got 5 stars but one of them I had an average of 4 stars
There is also an area where people can make comments and one lady crushed me
She gave me one star and even went as far as saying that she was not impressed with me or the material
All the other reviews had really positive things to say but I was not focused on any of them, just the lady that gave me the one star
But I am really glad she gave me one star
You see, I am doing this same presentation again at Perform Better in Providence Rhode Island on July 1st
If I had gotten all 5 stars I would have been comfortable and said I’m ready for Perform Better, I’m good
Instead, my brain is going I need to go and rip this thing apart and make it even better
Now, I probably do not need to do this, but I am going to anyway, I am going to make sure I give the presentation of my life at Perform Better and I really want to send that lady that gave me one star a thank you note, in fact, I’m going to that right now!
So two things to learn from this
1.You shouldn’t overact based on the review of one person. How many times do you change things based on one complaint from someone that always complains? It’s just not necessary because one person opinions in a situation like that usually don’t matter very much
2.Don’t get complacent. Even if you have a great gym right now you can always make it better. When I tell people how much money our business generates they get confused as to why I push the envelope to continue to grow. You can always get better and improve. Many times success is a major reason why people fail.