private message

I Just got this private message from one of the members in the SPF Mastermind…

“I had someone NOT sign up because they couldn’t get into any of my classes yesterday. Best problem to have! I solved it but it’s pretty cool to be told that for the first time”
This is a great example of how to look at ALL of your problems. 

They are not problems. They’re gifts.

They’re information. 

They’re how you get better. 

Now the example above was a better situation than most, but this still would’ve sent some of you off the reservation.

Your success in business is directly correlated to how well you handle problems and challenges. 

If they get you off your game, you need to change your relationship with them

Here are a few ways:

1. Ask yourself “What’s the good in this”

There’s good in almost every situation and making the decision to focus on the good instead of the bad is simply a choice. Make the wise one. 

2. Recognize Your Wins

In the Daily Planner I have the SPF Mastermind members fill out each night before bed, the first questions they answer is what were your top 3 wins for the day.

Even on the worst of days, they all can find 3 things that went great. 

It comes back again to what you decide to focus on.

To get a FREE hard copy of my daily planner reply to this email with PLANNER. 

3. It’s all learning

Everything that happens is simply information to get better and make progress.

Treat it like that and you’ll feel a lot different about your challenges.

I’m guessing you’ve heard all this before.

But most of the time you need to be reminded more than learning something new.

Vince Gabriele 

PLUS…Whenever you’re ready here are 5 ways to work with me…

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You can book a call with my tech nerd here.

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Want to work directly with me 1-1?

Whether you want to become a better leader, systemize your business or simply get out of the day to day, I’ll help you get there…fast. I take very few clients for this program and have 2 open spots for 2020.

To get more info reply to this message and put “1-1” in the subject line…  

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