Because so many gym owners are moving toward small group training…I’ve been getting asked like crazy for help here.
Here are the types of gym owners moving to small group:
- Large group facilities looking to get more money from each member due to Covid-19 restrictions
- Personal trainers doing 1-1 that want to maximize profit per hour
- Large box gyms that are sick of playing the volume game
- Gyms just starting small group that have no idea how to structure it
They are asking me because it’s something we’ve done for 13 years and have no interest in doing much else…because it works!
The head trainer at my gym (Big Tom) for the past 12 years has more knowledge about small group training than any trainer I’ve ever met.
In one hour, he can download what you need to know to start running this profitable model into your business.
He’d answer questions like:
Template Vs. Individual programs How to set up the schedule How many people per session is true small group and what number to not go over What exercises to avoid like the plague How to get a client started even if they’re banged up How to keep people on track
There’s a boatload more but you get the point.
Reply here with YES to book a 60 Minute Call with Big Tom so he can answer all your questions.
Vince Gabriele
P.S. This call is not FREE and honestly is not cheap …but when we installed this system into a gym in Long Island last year it was so successful that he earned the nickname, “Cash Room” in the SPF Mastermind.
P.P.S. Big Tom is busy as all heck doing things for GFP…and for the Mastermind. I told him about this email and he forcefully told me he had time for 5 calls only!