It’s 8:32 AM (yesterday) and I have 28 minutes before my next meeting.
I have a goal to get this email done by the time that meeting starts.
I have no idea yet what this email will be about but I’m testing this, so just let me know how you like it.
I started the email with nothing other than a deadline.
I’ve broken my own rule (just this once)…
…. Never start writing an email from a blank screen.
The reason why so many people struggle to write consistent content is simply one reason….lack of preparation.
Maybe this email is actually turning into something worthwhile because that’s great advice.
Not sure where this is going but I’m going to push through.
As long as I keep typing, I think all will be ok.
Ok, so if you never start from a blank screen, what should you start with?
Well, I’d start with the WHO.
Who are you writing to.
And not just saying a female over 35 looking to lose weight.
I’m talking about thinking of a specific person you know that perfectly fits that description.
Here’s a tip: Write their name on the top of the page.
It’ll also help to have an outline of your perfect client handy.
So, you can remind yourself that no one cares about your stuff, they care about getting their problems solved.
I know many gym owners that never get into a groove of writing consistent content because they lack good preparation.
An outline of your perfect client will help you be more prepared to create consistent content.
The source of pain that comes with lack of preparation is lack of money.
Yeah, that hurts.
But, lack of money also means you’ll lack freedom because you cannot afford to hire anybody.
This means that you’ll be doing all the work yourself.
This is how you get burned out.
Ok that was a tangent, but it was a good one.
So, if lack of consistent content creation can send you to the poor house….
Step one is doing what I said above, have an outline handy about who you’re writing to.
Ok its now 9:42, cannot believe I’ve been writing for 10 straight minutes.
I don’t think I’m going to use this.
My meeting is now in….18 minutes. Clock is ticking.
If this email sucks, please reply and tell me it sucks.
I had no clue what I was going to write about. I just started typing and I promised myself I wouldn’t stop.
Ok, back to the never starting from a blank screen.
Here’s another thing I like to do that could help you.
Create an email swipe file with only stuff you love and want to model.
Delete the hell out of your email in box.
Any people that don’t bring value into your inbox, delete them.
There is no reason for you to be on Target or Walmart’s email list but there’s a good chance you are.
Delete them all, might take you a few hours, but do it.
Now, you should be left just with emails that can give you value but also….ideas.
I have selected about 7 people that I like to get emails from.
I read most of them because I deleted all the other garbage.
When they send me something good, I put it into the swipe file.
When I need ideas, I go into the swipe file and take the format of their email and make it my own.
Maybe it’s adapting the subject line, whatever.
Shoot, meeting starts in 12 minutes.
Gotta either speed this up or end this abysmal attempt of an email.
Let me give you one more tip to create consistent content.
Work against the clock.
Set a timer for how long it’s going to take you to create a piece of content.
This means you may have to silence the inner perfectionist bastard inside your head.
Yeah, he’s loud in my head but perfectionism is the lowest possible standard according to great, Tony Robbins.
Hopefully you pulled something from this.
I’m now down to 9 minutes.
I literally have not stopped typing once.
It’s been 20 minutes exactly, crazy.
I think I’m done because I don’t want to be late.
So a quick recap:
· Never start creating content from a blank screen
· Have handy an outline of WHO you’re writing to
· Have an email Swipe File to give you ideas
· Work against the clock and silence your inner perfectionist bastard
Please send me an email, if this sucked or if you got something from it.
I’m dying to know.
It’s 9:54 (yesterday).
Gotta go.
Vince Gabriele
P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways to work with me
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