The other day I got a text from one of my Mastermind clients with a picture.
The picture was of a handwritten note my Mastermind client sent to one of their members.
The member had posted the note on Facebook and went on to say how much they loved their gym for things like this.
The member was so jazzed about getting the letter in the mail. They took the time to take a picture of it and post it on social media.
Seems like a pretty impactful thing to do.
Seems like a simple thing to do.
Not sure why so many others do not do this.
We send handwritten notes all the time and have it baked into our system.
I instruct my Mastermind members to do the same.
When we sign up a client, they get a note.
When we get a referral, they get a note.
When there is a significant event, they get a note.
The key to getting these notes out on a regular basis is making it part of what you do.
It may seem informal to have systems for when you write a note. I promise it’s not informal to the person that receives it.
To them, it’s as personal as it gets.
These days, there are new gyms opening up everyday right down the street from you.
You cannot compete on the workout, you’ll lose.
What are you going to do to stand out?
What little extra effort can you put in to truly separate yourself from your competition?
Knowing the answer to this question: What makes you different? This is a very powerful thing to know.
It’s not as easy as it sounds to figure this out.
Fortunately, I have a strategy I use to help people with this.
You can learn more at option one below.
PLUS: Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you take YOUR business to the next level:
1. Attend Our 2-day Seminar in OctoberJoin us for 2 days and look under the hood of my gym. You’ll see my coaches in action and get the secret business sauce for what makes this place hum. Click here to learn more:
2. Spend the Day at Gabriele Fitness with Me and My Team
This will be the most productive day in your business building career. Come with a big challenge such as not having a marketing plan in place or not being able to remove yourself from your business, and we’ll roll up our sleeves together and knock it out. You’ll leave with a very clear plan to win. You’ll also get to see my 7-figure gym in action and talk to the members of our leadership team to learn how things run around here.
Send an email to, and put “Day at GFP” in the subject line.
3. Join my Mastermind
Join a super motivated group of gym owners who meet 4x/year to make more money so they can have more free time with their family. There is so much more you get with this, but the only way to apply is through a call with me and I will unpack everything for you.
To apply for the Mastermind, send me an email,, and put Mastermind” in the subject line.
4. Work with me One-on-One
If you’d like to work directly with me to do things like become a better leader, systemize your business, or simply get yourself out of the day-to-day… just send me and email,, and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!