The Ultimate Chokehold on a Business

I’ve spent the last week at a Tony Robbins seminar called, Date With Density!

It was held in Palm Beach Florida and it was 5,000 people all looking to get more of their life.

It was the most intense week of my life (6 Days 16 hours a day) but also the most amazing.

For anyone thinking it is a bunch of yelling and screaming and motivational fluff is seriously mistaken and should look into this type of work even more.

There was very little talk of business but when there was, here was a line that stood out I wanted to share with you.

I asked my mastermind members on the call yesterday what the biggest chokehold on their business was.

Here were some answers:

  • Marketing
  • Under Performing Team Members
  • Not enough time
  • Systems not documented

Whatever you feel is the biggest chokehold on your business right now is not usually the biggest thing in your way.

The Biggest Chokehold on a Business is the Psychology of the owner

Think about having a member on your team that you know is not a great fit.

On the surface, you think it’s those people are lazy, lack talent or just don’t care.

You spend time frustrated and constantly thinking about them.

But you keep them.

I’ve done this too, it happens to most of us.

We’re nice people.

We don’t want to rock the boat.

But here’s what happens.

Due to our own issues, we put the business at risk.

The Business trumps everyone and everything.

Without the business being strong, the team is at risk, the clients will not be transformed and you we under constant stress.

You can lead most problems in your business back to you.

This is not to overwhelm you but it’s to help you understand how important you are to your business.

Every minute you can spend improving your mindset and increasing your capacity to deal with challenges is time well spent.

That is one of the benefits of being in the SPF Mastermind.

We spend so much time solving problems and improving the way we think you start to train the muscle of strengthen your business psychology.

You get honest feedback from people that always comes in the form of the truth, even if it’s not what you want to hear.

In our own worlds, we can get away with a lot.

A great thing to do is put yourself in a situation where your Bullshit doesn’t work anymore.

I rarely get this from being stuck in the day to day.

Whatever the chokehold is for you right now, start to peel the layers on it.

There’s usually a road back to you.

Isn’t this exciting?

You’re the problem but you’re also the solution.

Take  care of your mind friend.


P.S. I run a mastermind group where we work on this stuff like crazy, reply here to chat with me about it 

​ Plus, whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways to work with me.

1.    Work with me 1-1

Want to work directly with me 1-1? Whether you want to become a better leader, systemize your business or simply get out of the day to day I’ll help you get there…fast. I take very few clients for this program and have 2 open spots for 2020

To get more info email and put “1-1” in the subject line…

2.             Get a FREE Hard Copy of Marketing Book

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4.             Inquire about the SPF Mastermind

Need ongoing coaching and accountability? Join a super motivated group of gym owners that meet 3x/ year to make more money so they can have more free time with their family. There is so much more you get with this but the only way to apply is through a call with me and I unpack everything for you.

To apply email with “mastermind” in the subject.

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