Today, I’m only speaking to you if you fall into the following 3 categories:
1. You own a gym
2. You’re frustrated with the lack of consistency and results with your marketing
3. You know you need help but don’t know where to start
If you answered YES to those 3 questions continuing reading.
If not, delete this email and continue with your day.
Ok, now I have your undivided attention because you are the exact person I wrote this email for…
Let me tell you a story.
I recently read about a guy that was named The World’s Laziest Man.
He hates to sweat, clean dishes and really do anything except collect comic books, watch re-runs of Saved by the Bell and play Fantasy Football.
I want you to envision this guy.
Picture him sitting on the couch with comic books spread all over the floor.
Understand that the last thing in the world he wants is to go to the gym.
For those of you struggling with marketing…
What you would need to say to this guy to get him off the couch and come to your gym?
It’s probably not telling him you do semi-private personal training (duh).
It’s definitely not that you do high intensity interval training (this will sink him deeper into the couch, especially when you show videos of people grimacing in pain from how tired they are from your classes).
There has to be something you say to him that’s going to give him a jolt or a shock to his system that no other email, Facebook post or IG story he saw that day gave him.
The first jolt he needs from you is to do exactly what I did to you…just a few short paragraphs ago.
I told you exactly who this was for.
Remember this?
1. You own a gym
2. You’re frustrated with the lack of consistency and results with your marketing
3. You know you need help but don’t know where to start
This is the first step with getting your marketing on track.
Speak directly to the people you want in your gym.
So, in this case you could say:
We’re you recently voted The Worlds Laziest Man?
Do you love to collect comic books?
Do you know you need to get fit but haven’t found a program that could do it in less than 2 hours a week?
Obviously, I’m using this example for your slight amusement but I hope you start to get the point.
If you’re thinking… “Yeah, yeah, yeah, Vince, I’ve heard this before…know your target market”.
Don’t take what I’m about to say personally…
If that’s what you’re thinking and you still have marketing problems, you haven’t cracked the code.
Here’s why.
You’re skipping to the tactics.
You’re looking for a White Knight FB ad guy to pull some magic out of his horse’s ass and save your gym.
That guy ain’t coming.
But if someone that was born in 2001 shows up in your newsfeed claiming to be that guy…you know what to do (thank me later).
If you’re having marketing problems the issue is most likely because you’ve yet to do these 2 things:
1. Clearly define who you want to attract and know absolutely everything about them
2. Have a marketing message that speaks to these people with the end result being them saying these magic words:
“I feel like you wrote this email directly to me”
Well, in your case, if you’re still reading this propaganda, I wrote this for you.
This is lesson #1.
Does your marketing get people to say those words…?
Here they are again…
“I feel like you wrote this email directly to me”
Want me to give you a call and tell you the rest of the lessons?
Vince Gabriele