When Vanessa and I were on vacation we saw the worst display of customer service of our lives.
There was a table of about 8 people that were clearly drinking lots of wine, a bonus for a restaurant as alcohol is very profitable.
They ordered a bunch of steaks, the filet at this place was $95 and I think almost all of them ordered it. Without even doing the math this was well over a $1,000 dinner tab.
The food took a very long time and they expressed their concern to the waitress.
After about 20 more minutes no food was out.
They got up and went right to the manager and said they were leaving, to cancel all of the steaks.
The manager, without asking any questions, snapped back at them.
They went back and forth, literally right in front of our table.
The manager finally yells at the top of her lungs and basically says “get out of here”.
It was awful.
I have so many ways that this could have been saved and turned into a positive experience for this table and the restaurant would of gotten paid.
Instead, they got no money, most likely a very bad review, will never get any of the 8 as repeat customers and had 8 $100 steaks wasted (they had them almost ready but the stupid manager failed to even realize it).
Here is the truth in business.
Even the best in the world make mistakes.
It’s never what happens that’s the issue, it’s how you respond.
Many times, mistakes can actually strengthen relationships if they are handled in the right way.
Here is a fun fact: The number one reason why doctors get sued is from a failure to apologize.
When something happens and you mess up, you need a system to make sure everyone on your team gets this right.
We use have a 5-step recipe we use when we get a complaint:
1. Acknowledge it
2. Apologize
3. Take action to make things right
4. Thank them
5. Document it
I will be going over this in more detail with the SPF mastermind in Orlando next month.
If you’re interested in joining us, reply here.
There was a table of about 8 people that were clearly drinking lots of wine, a bonus for a restaurant as alcohol is very profitable.
They ordered a bunch of steaks, the filet at this place was $95 and I think almost all of them ordered it. Without even doing the math this was well over a $1,000 dinner tab.
The food took a very long time and they expressed their concern to the waitress.
After about 20 more minutes no food was out.
They got up and went right to the manager and said they were leaving, to cancel all of the steaks.
The manager, without asking any questions, snapped back at them.
They went back and forth, literally right in front of our table.
The manager finally yells at the top of her lungs and basically says “get out of here”.
It was awful.
I have so many ways that this could have been saved and turned into a positive experience for this table and the restaurant would of gotten paid.
Instead, they got no money, most likely a very bad review, will never get any of the 8 as repeat customers and had 8 $100 steaks wasted (they had them almost ready but the stupid manager failed to even realize it).
Here is the truth in business.
Even the best in the world make mistakes.
It’s never what happens that’s the issue, it’s how you respond.
Many times, mistakes can actually strengthen relationships if they are handled in the right way.
Here is a fun fact: The number one reason why doctors get sued is from a failure to apologize.
When something happens and you mess up, you need a system to make sure everyone on your team gets this right.
We use have a 5-step recipe we use when we get a complaint:
1. Acknowledge it
2. Apologize
3. Take action to make things right
4. Thank them
5. Document it
I will be going over this in more detail with the SPF mastermind in Orlando next month.
If you’re interested in joining us, reply here.
Plus, whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways to work with me:
1. Work with me 1-1 in 2019
1. Work with me 1-1 in 2019
In 2019, I will be taking on a few select gym owners to work with me in a private coaching program. This is not for newbies and you need to be doing at least $300K in revenue to be accepted into this program.
Email me personally to see if you qualify for this program at vince@gabrielefitness.com and put “1-1 in 2019” in the subject.
2. Get on the early bird list for my Spring 2019 Mentorship.
Join me and my team at my gym in New Jersey for 2 days and get a fire lit under you. This seminar has been the launching pad for many gym owners build the gym of their dreams.
Join me and my team at my gym in New Jersey for 2 days and get a fire lit under you. This seminar has been the launching pad for many gym owners build the gym of their dreams.
Email megan@gabrielefitness.com to get on early bird list.
Note: There’s no obligation to sign up but you’ll lock in early bird price which is a good idea because the investment will go up dramatically this year.
3. Listen to my Podcast
Note: There’s no obligation to sign up but you’ll lock in early bird price which is a good idea because the investment will go up dramatically this year.
3. Listen to my Podcast
If you’re not yet a subscriber to the Fitness Business University Podcast than click below to add this to your list. There are close to 40 episodes packed with money making info. Click the link and subscribe so you’ll get notified when new ones come out.
4. Attend a Mastermind Meeting
Join us on February 21-22 in Orlando, Florida for an SPF Mastermind Meeting.
Reply to this email with Orlando Mastermind in the subject to get more info.
Reply to this email with Orlando Mastermind in the subject to get more info.