“I’m done sending this guy any more clients, I’ve sent him a ton of referrals and never even got a thank you note.”
These were the words of a good buddy of mine who is probably one of the best doctors in the entire country.
He’s so good he’s not taking on any new patients until May, Imagine that!
Since he’s so busy he actually has to refer people to other docs.
He sent this one doc a ton of patients and the guy has yet to even send him a thank you note.
Guess how much it costs to send a thank you note in the mail?
You could even do better and take 2-4 minutes out of your day, go to a place called Amazon and buy them a $20 gift.
People get obsessed with offering a referral prizes on the front end, meaning IF you send me a referral, I give you $100.
This works in some markets but where people miss the mark is what happens after.
The real way to maximize referrals is to have a reward system in place that gets people to refer more than once.
We have an entire gifting system we invented that we use at my gym and teach to our Mastermind members.
It ensures that when we get a referral, we have a systematic way to thank the people that send us clients.
I believe this is a big reason why we get so many new clients from referrals and don’t have to rely just on Facebook to generate leads.
It’s because when we get one referral, we thank them with a gift. This makes people feel appreciated and WANT to send us more referrals (the secret to referral maximization).
My doctor friend is simply looking for a different person to refer to because he just feels under appreciated.
Hopefully this is not happening to you.
I teach a 4-part referral system and gifting is one of the 4 parts.
I go deep into this in the 6 Week New Client Surge Program (starts on March 19th).
Unfortunately, I’ve more than doubled the Investment for this program …. but you can get $300 off AND get early access if you sign up before March 8th.
Send and email to Megan@gabrielefitness.com with [Surge] in the subject and Meg will set up a call with us.
Looking forward to speaking to you.