I’ve been running a gym for 13 years and have tried everything under the sun in terms of marketing ideas.
I’ve also worked deeply with some of America’s top gym owners and helped them implement countless marketing ideas and campaigns.
Not all of them were successful.
That’s bad for me.
It’s good for you.
I’ve found out what works…
…And what doesn’t.
But there are 3 things I’ve done over and over that I consider moneymaking sledgehammers…meaning they work…really well.
1. 9 Word Emails
2. Sweepstakes
3. Referral Based 6-Week Challenges
There are very few fitness business coaches that teach these 3 concepts.
Frankly, because they take a little time and hard work to implement.
I’ve never been about working with gym owners that are looking for the quick fix, the flash in the pan or the easy button.
I see gym owners fall prey to these gurus daily and with every success story they have, there’s a dozen gym owners still paying off the credit card debt years later.
But I can’t truly blame just the guru…the gym owner looking for the easy button needs to take ownership over this too.
There’s no way out of this without some old-fashioned hard work.
I don’t mean grinding either.
I mean doing the hard work yourself on the front end to implement marketing systems into your business so you can reap the rewards of that hard work years later.
A 9 Word email takes learning some skill as a copy writer.
The Sweepstakes is a huge time investment the first time you do it.
The referral based 6-week challenge takes courage to ask your members to help you.
But once you use these 3 sledgehammers once, they give you an asset you can use several times a year.
I’d love to teach you about these 3 Moneymaking Sledgehammers here.
Vince Gabriele