Copyright Warning:
I’m going to send you to my gym’s website……
…To look at as an example for you to model
PLEASE do NOT copy my Tagline, I explain more below.
My new book titled Unshakeable Gym unpacks 7 secrets to winning in business in this new economy.
One of the principles is:
It’s definitely not impossible to be growing your business right now…but it is tougher.
Leads are harder to come by.
Sales take longer.
People are being more careful with where they spend their money.
But by all means, cover up all the holes in your bucket that are causing you to lose money.
There are lots of variations of holes in your bucket.
One could be a sales system that’s not being followed that’s causing your close rate to be at a subpar level.
Another could be simply spending money on things you don’t need right now.
Another could be not maximizing the time your staff is putting in.
But the worst kind of loss is the one you don’t even know exists.
Today I want to talk about a black hole in your business.
That black hole is your website.
Here are the things I see from gym owner’s websites that turn them into black holes.
1. Speed Kills: If you’re website is a dog, you might as well pull it from the internet.
2. Confusing Messaging: Are you all things to all people? The goal is your target market says this place is for me.
3. No Call To Action: I see this a lot and it’s killing your results. If you don’t tell people what to do, they’ll do nothing.
4. Not Giving Info About Who Runs the Show: It’s important to make the website about your target market and their problems but people also want to know who they’ll be working with and who was the mastermind behind this thing. It’s a service business for crying out loud!
5. Not Getting Clients From your Website. If you paid that KNOW NOTHING about marketing web guy $10,000 5 years ago and you’re still waiting for your first client to come in.
I’m not going to brag but myself and my web designer (who knows a TON about marketing) knocked it out of the park with this puppy.
In just a few weeks of it being live we’ve made more money from this website in the past week than we did over the past several months!
We have a pretty long wait list of gym owners that want their site built by my guy but you can hit reply and get yours on the list.
Warning: Please DO NOT Copy my tag line.
I paid a very expensive branding expert named Vincenzo Padre Gabrielle…oodles of cash to come up with this tag line.
Meaning: I spent hours of my own time writing hundreds of versions and finally came up with what someone told me the other day “This is better than Orange Theory’s tag line” You don’t even want to start to think about what they paid.
Look, but don’t copy at the link below:
Vince Gabriele
P.S. To get on our long wait list for us to either audit your site or start to build you one that actually works, hit reply with YES
The worst kind of money loss is the one you don’t even know exist.