5 Places to Find One Dollar

Since so many of you are procrastinating on this, I figured I’d give you some help to find that magic dollar you need to join the MMIC.

1.  Clean Your Car. I can almost guarantee that you can find a buck by gathering all the loose change after you clean your car. 

Not only will cleaning your car clear your head, it’s almost a sure thing you’ll gather a bucks worth of lose change under the seat. 

Honestly this is huge productivity tip. Whenever my brain gets scattered, one of the first things I do is clean my car. 

2.  Rob Your Kids Piggy Bank. If you have kids, they most likely have a piggy bank. There’s sure to be a buck in there and with the money you make in this program you’ll be able to open a bank account for them instead of using the piggy bank. 

3.  Sell ONE Bottle of Water. If you don’t sell water, you should. People need water when they workout, you need to make money as a business owner. 
This giving away free water all the time is hogwash. 

Sell the damn water. 

Here’s some simple math. If you buy a case of water (24 pack) for 5 bucks and sell each one for $1, you’ll make $19 in profit. Sell 5 cases a week and you’ve got another 380 in profit! I just doubled what your investment will be in the MMIC on this email alone. 

4.  Clean your Significant Others Car. Here’s yet another guaranteed place to scrounge up a buck but this time instead of clearing your head, you’re performing an outstanding act of service for your significant other. 

Not only will they be very pleased with you for this act, they’ll be even more pleased with the steak dinner you’ll take them to with all the money you’re going to make in the MMIC.

5.  Give a Penny Take a Penny. Ok this one is a little suspect but it’s deadline day today. 

Each convenient store has one of those give a penny take a penny boxes. 
Ask the guy if you can take 100 pennies

Tell him that you have the chance to join the MMIC for a buck and that with the profits you’ll make from the program you’ll be able to bring him 200 pennies. 
If he’s a smart business man he’ll realize that this is a 100% ROI and he’ll spring to give you the 100 pennies…

…Which means you’ll be able to join us!

So there you have it. 

5 Ways to get the buck you need to join the MMIC. 

Don’t say I didn’t help you 🙂


Vince Gabriele 

P.S. Today is the final day to join the Marketing Master Insiders Club (MMIC) and lock in the founders rate. 


The investment to join for 60 days is literally $1 (crazy I know)


PLUS…Whenever you’re ready here are 5 ways to work with me…
 1.   Get 60 Days of Business Coaching for $1 
Test Drive my new “affordable” coaching program that will help you navigate this current pandemic and become the master of your marketing so you can be in complete control of your business destiny. 

To get Access to this program click here.

2.   Get A Free Website Audit
My resident Tech Nerd will hop on a call with you and check out your website and give you some serious tips to make that puppy finally start to bring you new clients!

You can book a call with my tech nerd here.

3.   Subscribe to Second Ranked Fitness Business Podcast in the World
Get Access to well over 100 free opportunities to get business coaching from me and my very smart friends. Click Here to Listen. 
4.   Get Access to My 101 Ways to Get New Clients Without Spending Money 
Click here to get it 

5. Become My Next Private Coaching Client

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Whether you want to become a better leader, systemize your business or simply get out of the day to day, I’ll help you get there…fast. I take very few clients for this program and have 2 open spots for 2020.

To get more info reply to this message and put “1-1” in the subject line…

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