Do you have times where you just have no idea what to create content about?
The best way I’ve found to never run out of ideas to create content is to batch the titles.
I will sit down and write a ton of interesting headlines that would turn the head of my target market.
This activity puts me in a mode of creativity and will also give me several weeks’ worth of content.
You most likely don’t need help writing the actual articles it’s the initial idea that’s always the tough part.
Here are 9 ideas for you to use as titles for your emails and videos when creating content for your market.
This list is ripped directly from my October Marketing Newsletter that’s yet to be sent to the printer.
Feast your eyes on these 9 and if you want the rest (there are 41 more in the October issue) you’ll need to part ways with $1 to get access.
1. The 5 Worst Exercises For People Over 40
2. The 5 Best Exercises For People Over 40
3. Why you don’t need 8 hours of sleep
4. The perfect food to eat for breakfast
5. The Dangers of Jogging and what to do instead
6. How to strengthen your heart in 60 seconds
7. How to Spot a Bad Personal Trainer
8. My Top Secret Workout Advice for people over 40
9. 10 Secrets for All Day Energy
Hope this helps.
Vince Gabriele
PLUS…Whenever you’re ready here are 5 ways to work with me…
1. Get 60 Days of Business Coaching for $1
Test Drive my new “affordable” coaching program that will help you navigate this current pandemic and become the master of your marketing so you can be in complete control of your business destiny.
To get Access to this program click here.
2. Get A Free Website Audit
My resident Tech Nerd will hop on a call with you and check out your website and give you some serious tips to make that puppy finally start to bring you new clients!
You can book a call with my tech nerd here.
3. Subscribe to Second Ranked Fitness Business Podcast in the World
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4. Get Access to My 101 Ways to Get New Clients Without Spending Money
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Want to work directly with me 1-1?
Whether you want to become a better leader, systemize your business or simply get out of the day to day, I’ll help you get there…fast. I take very few clients for this program and have 2 open spots for 2020.
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