A Good Idea You Can Implement Today

There used to be a great series of commercials from American Express.   
One of the commercials showed a father and son attending a ball game. It went something like this:  

Tickets to game: $79  
Hot Dog and Soda: $8  
Autographed Ball: $47  
Great quality time together: Priceless 
They were focusing on something very important.   

A moment.  

There are things that happen to your clients on a daily basis that would be considered moments.  

Here is a short list:  
Ran their first 5K.  

Finished one year at your gym.  
Achieved a personal record. 

Looked awesome at their daughter’s wedding. 
Got a promotion at work. 
Got a scholarship to college. 
Made all-state, county, conference, the team. 
Finished their first workout. 
These moments need to be recognized.  
People get very little recognition these days. Celebrating these wins puts you in a small category of businesses that are with them on the journey.  
This is one of the best benefits of being a gym.   
Lawyers and doctors can’t do this, financial advisors won’t do this.   
When you help them achieve great feats in their lives, they remember you, you made an impact.  
Many of you are modest and want to give them all the credit but the reality is you helped them achieve this.  It’s very possible they would not have been able to do it without you.  
You helped create the moment, it’s better for everyone if these moments are celebrated.  
Action step is to be a moment seeker.  
List out all the great moments your clients have achieved and then from here forward make a big deal about them.  

Send them cards, letters, flowers, balloons. By all means tell their story on email, social media, website etc.   

Go out and find the moments.  

PLUS: Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you take YOUR business to the next level:

1. Join Our 6-Week Client Surge Program

Join us for 6-Weeks for the New Client Surge Program. It’s going to be 6 live modules. I will be solely focusing on helping you build a predictable system to get new clients and make more.

For more information on the 6-Week New Client Surge Program click the link below:


2. Spend the Day at Gabriele Fitness with Me and My Team

This will be the most productive day in your business building career.  Come with a big challenge such as not having a marketing plan in place or not being able to remove yourself from your business, and we’ll roll up our sleeves together and knock it out. You’ll leave with a very clear plan to win.  You’ll also get to see my 7-figure gym in action and talk to the members of our leadership team to learn how things run around here.

Send an email to megan@gabrielefitness.com, and put “Day at GFP” in the subject line.

3. Join my Mastermind

Join a super motivated group of gym owners who meet 4x/year to make more money so they can have more free time with their family. There is so much more you get with this, but the only way to apply is through a call with me and I will unpack everything for you.

To apply for the Mastermind, send me an email, Vince@gabrielefitness.com, and put Mastermind” in the subject line.

4. Work with me One-on-One

If you’d like to work directly with me to do things like become a better leader, systemize your business, or simply get yourself out of the day-to-day… just send me and email, vince@gabrielefitness.com, and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

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