It’s weird how things go sometimes
Next weekend is the SPF Mastermind meeting in Orlando.
One of the speakers is Joe Desana, the founder of Spartan Race who has become a very big name and has been a guest on Rogan.
A few years ago we took 80 clients to a spartan race about 2 hours from our gym.
One of the women that went had joined GFP right after she recovered from a stroke and never ever imagined herself doing something like this.
She worked her butt off and got the courage to sign up for the Race.
She put herself WAY out of her comfort zone.
There was a point in the race where she had to climb over a wall.
She couldn’t do it.
She kept trying but still couldn’t get over it.
Then a bunch of people came up behind her and started supporting her.
She got over…
…and the instant her feet hit the ground…she started bawling.
She did something she never thought she’d be able to do and was overwhelmed with emotion once she did.
Exactly one week before I meet Joe Desana in person….
… the man that founded this wonderful event that enables people to reach a side of themselves they never thought they’d see…
I got a call that the person in the story above is in hospice and is unlikely to be coming home.
Weird timing on this as I was going to tell the story of this woman when I introduced Joe at the mastermind anyway.
When stuff like this happens, I write about it…it helps me process things, so thanks for listening.
I guess the tie-in for you is the opportunity to help people see a side of themselves they never thought they’d see.
I don’t think this happens when we play physical therapist.
Yes we have a duty to keep people safe.
But we also have a duty to lead people down a path they would never go down alone.
This may mean some tough love.
This could be getting honest with clients that you know are slacking.
This could be pushing them to do more when they don’t want to.
This means setting up chances for them to do hard things…just like we did with this wonderful woman through the spartan race.
I’m sad today…but proud of her.