
This past weekend I spent 2 amazing days with close to 60 gym owners at the SPF Mastermind Meeting.

The theme of the meeting was Helping Gym Owners be Magnetic to Money.

There were two main focuses related to this topic:

  1.  Making Money
  1.  Keeping the money you make 

These are two very different skill sets but both require one ultra important thing…

Making Good Decisions
Decision making is something that’s very rarely taught…

But, our lives are shaped by the decisions we make…and you are where you are in life right now based on your decisions…

So, this topic deserves a LOT more attention.

I taught for close to 2 hours at the Mastermind on this very topic and provided a very specific way to make better decisions. 

One of them was to widen their options.

Most people that make bad decisions operate from something called a narrow frame…

…meaning they don’t look at any other possible options except the obvious. 

I used the example of the gym owner that gets approached by their landlord to take a new space down the street…that’s 3x the size. 

They get all excited and then work from 2 choices.

  1.  Stay in their current spot
  1.  Move to the big space 

Personally, I hate these situations. 

Usually the right moves are the ones you orchestrate, not the ones that fall in your lap.

If they would widen their options…they could add a possible third option…such as adding a new service in their current space or starting a second business that does not require any more square footage. 

Lots of bad decisions have been made by using this narrow frame of This OR That. 

So, to get you started in becoming a better decision maker, look no further then simply adding another option, maybe more. 

Vince Gabriele

P.S. On Friday December 17th, I’ll be leading my Mastermind through a full day business planning and goal setting workshop. 

I’m opening this up to 5 non-members to join…

…reply with YES to get more info.

Plus, whenever you’re ready here are 4 ways to work with me

1. Join my LIVE Annual Planning Session on December 17th.

Join me and the SPF Mastermind for a full day virtually to map out your entire personal and business goals for 2022.

Reply to this email with “Annual Planning” in the subject to get more information

2. Get 60 days of business coaching for $1

Join my private community of gym owners and get business coaching, marketing ideas and access to a massive vault of money making tools and resources.

Click here to join.

3. Work with Me 1-1 for 90 Days

Every quarter I take a small handful of gym owners that want private access to me and my team so they can enhance their effectiveness as a leader, marketer and entrepreneur.

Reply to this email with “Work with Vince” in the subject to get more information

4. Join My 6 Week New Client Surge Masterclass

If you want help installing a marketing system for your gym so you can add 10-20 new clients a month on autopilot…instead of wondering where your next client will come from…this is for you

Click here for more information.

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