Don’t Do It!

That’s me and Kyle with one of our mentors, The Great Tom Plummer.

One of my Mastermind members, Kyle Newell, owns 2 terrific gyms in New Jersey.

He has been coaching with me since 2012 and we’ve been through a lot together.

We’ve fired people (Which always seems easier for me than for him 🙂 ).

We’ve made massive changes to his business structure.

We’ve expanded.

But, when Kyle comes to my Mentorship and speaks about the value of the coaching we’ve been doing together, he always talks about this:

The things I’ve told him NOT to do.

You see, one of my biggest competitive advantages as a business coach is that I’m a gym owner myself.

I’ve been through the weeds for 11 years and have seen close to everything my clients see.

I have come to the conclusion is that one of the biggest factors in the success of a gym owner is focus.

I have designed my Mastermind and coaching program to not just give people information.

Information is great but too much gets people confused and running in all different directions.

I know the top 7 priorities of all of my Mastermind members and when they ask about something, those 7 things all come into my decision-making process. 

We use 2 main tools to stay focused:

1.     Scoreboard
2.     Rocks

The Scoreboard is a list of the most important measurable, for us, leads, trials sold, memberships sold and retention. We all track this stuff weekly. I honestly don’t know how anyone runs a business without this. 

The second is Rocks. Rocks are the most important things to accomplish in the next 90 days to move your business forward. They could be things like hire 1 new trainer or document a system but the key is they need to be able to be done in that 90-day period.

One of the main components of our Mastermind meetings is creating these rocks and having a group to help guide you and stay focused toward that success.

Everyone that is in our group use these 2 very valuable tools.

They are not a secret, hence why I am sharing them here.

The secret is having the support group to stay on the path you have set.


PLUS: Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you take YOUR business to the next level:

1. Book a 60-Minute Strategy Call

Have an issue that needs my eyeballs on it? Just have a list of questions you need answered?  In 11 years of owning a gym there’s not much I haven’t seen. We’ll knock it out in an hour and you can go on your merry way.

Send me and email,, and put “CALL” in the subject line.

2. Spend the Day at Gabriele Fitness with Me and My Team

This will be the most productive day in your business building career.  Come with a big challenge such as not having a marketing plan in place or not being able to remove yourself from your business, and we’ll roll up our sleeves together and knock it out. You’ll leave with a very clear plan to win.  You’ll also get to see my 7-figure gym in action and talk to the members of our leadership team to learn how things run around here.

Send an email to, and put “Day at GFP” in the subject line.

3. Join my Mastermind

 Join a super motivated group of gym owners who meet 4x/year to make more money so they can have more free time with their family. There is so much more you get with this, but the only way to apply is through a call with me and I will unpack everything for you.

To apply for the Mastermind, send me an email,, and put Mastermind” in the subject line.

 4. Work with me One-on-One

If you’d like to work directly with me to do things like become a better leader, systemize your business, or simply get yourself out of the day-to-day… just send me and email,, and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

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