Focus On Profit To Drive Your Way To Success

I spent last week in New Jersey and San Diego working with the gym owners in my CEO mastermind.

The one thing we do differently in this group is we bring the financials to meeting.

Yes. Gym owners bring the exact amount of money they made and spent on an official profit and loss statement from their accountant.

It’s not for the faint of heart.

But there’s something that happens with most of the gym owners that participate in this group…something magical.

Their profit goes up.

This means that the amount of money they get to keep goes up.

With that money they have opened more gyms, purchased real estate (70% of one of the groups owns investment properties), went on incredible vacations, socked money away in their kids 529 accounts, etc.

All from the profit going up in their primary business.

This needs to be more of a focus in the gym industry.

Many are focused on driving revenue but all that really matters is the money left over after your expenses.

Progress starts with facing reality and looking at your numbers.

Most of them had been in masterminds before…

…None of them had put the financials of their business under a microscope 4x/year.

This was the key driver for their success.

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