How To Know Exactly What To Do ALL Day

Some of the biggest frustrations I’ve had in my career as a gym owner has been with making the best use of my time.

I can remember a time when I had just transitioned from training clients for 40+ hours a week to not training any sessions at all.

They told me it would be great.

But it was way more painful than banging 40 hours of sessions.

The sessions told me what to do.

Show up, kill it, go home.

It was easy.

Without sessions there was no clear thing I had to focus on.

I could market, sell, lead, manage, look at finances…

Nothing seemed super urgent or as important as just showing up and crushing the 6 AM class.

So, I sat at my desk and buried my head in my hands…more frustrated than ever.

I could hear the energy in the gym on the other side of the walls.

I listened to trainers I employed…training people just like I used to do.

Having fun, bringing the energy, and having an impact on people’s lives.

I wanted to go back out there with them.

But I was stuck in this office…more confused than ever.

Should I enjoy the free time?

Be out in the community creating relationships?

Walk out on the floor and watch what was going on? (This always made me feel like a creep.)

I had no idea…I had never been here before.

Your past failures and frustrations are biggest potentials for growth opportunities.

The easy decision was going back onto the floor and training clients.

This would have taken all the noise away.

Sadly, this is what a LOT of business owners do…

They feel the frustration on not knowing how to be successful in working on their business because they only know how to work IN their business…

So, they go back to working IN their business.

This took me down a long road of self-discovery and improvement that has led to a much more fruitful and successful life…than if I had decided to go back out there.

Now as the owner of 4 companies, I’ve had no choice but to know what are the MOST important things I need to be doing to make my business more successful.

I’ve put together a presentation titled:

The Gym Owners Guide to: Knowing Exactly What to Do ALL Day

I’ll be presenting this LIVE on Thursday at 12 PM EST to the members of my private membership community.

Would you like to join us?

Email with DAY in the subject for more information.

Vince Gabriele

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