[There’s an offer at the end of this post that’s simply irresistible]
Many of you that follow me have been asking about this Tech Nerd I keep mentioning.
This “Tech Nerd” is a real person…having one of these in your life…will change your life.
I am a former meathead college football player that…
Turned into personal trainer….
That turned into a gym owner
That turned into a business coach
That turned into an entrepreneur
At 28 years old, the most money I made was $37,000 per year.
Today my personal income is 15X this amount.
My story is not like most business coaches out there.
I’m pretty much you.
I don’t know of another business coach that’s logged the massive number of hours on the floor training clients.
I don’t know another business coach that’s actually run a gym successfully for 13 years.
They could be out there, but I see many more flashes in the pan…They’ve been coming out of the woodwork during the pandemic.
So, before I present the irresistible offer…here’s what you need to know about me.
I’m self-taught.
I’ve invested well over $250,000 in my business education.
Countless hours studying, reading and asking question to mentors.
Most importantly, actually living the stuff I teach.
But, I definitely don’t know it all and one thing I have done that’s helped me a ton is I stay in my lane.
The tech stuff never caught my interest.
I always would rather send an email or talk pricing than try to figure out Facebook, Google, website design or how to build automated funnels.
It’s just not my bag.
But, I know that stuff is VERY important.
…and that’s why I have surrounded myself with a team that knows it better than I ever will.
That’s where the Tech Nerd comes in.
The Tech Nerd is my secret weapon.
He has given me an edge that I never would have had without him.
He gets on the phone with my Mastermind members and magically gets their website to start churning out new VERY qualified leads in minutes.
He solves tech issues faster than anyone I’ve ever seen.
He knows Google just as good as anyone that works at Google.
He can dissect a website better than any professional web designer I’ve ever seen.
You need a tech nerd in your life because you’re most likely like me…
…a trainer, that turned into a gym owner, that wants to run your business and spend time with your family… not get wrapped up all this tech stuff.
But, like me you also know it’s important to have a website that works and have the necessary funnels and automation set up to convert them into members.
Here’s what I’ve done.
I’ve bought 5 billable hours with the tech nerd.
The Tech Nerd’s hourly rate is NOT cheap so I only purchased 5 one hour slots.
In this hour…He’ll lead you through a website/digital marketing audit that I promise will knock your socks off…in a good way.
All you need to do to qualify for one of these 5 spots is this:
1. You must own a gym
2. You must be one of the first “qualified” 5 to reply to this email
3. You must be able to accept a steady stream of new members in the next 60 days
If you check these 3 boxes, email megan@vincegabriele.com with YES in an email.
Vince Gabriele
PLUS…Whenever you’re ready here are 5 ways to work with me…
1. Get 60 Days of Business Coaching for $1
Test Drive my new “affordable” coaching program that will help you navigate this current pandemic and become the master of your marketing so you can be in complete control of your business destiny.
To get Access to this program click here.
2. Get A Free Website Audit
My resident Tech Nerd will hop on a call with you and check out your website and give you some serious tips to make that puppy finally start to bring you new clients!
You can book a call with my tech nerd here.
3. Subscribe to Second Ranked Fitness Business Podcast in the World
Get Access to well over 100 free opportunities to get business coaching from me and my very smart friends. Click Here to Listen.
4. Get Access to My 101 Ways to Get New Clients Without Spending Money
Click here to get it
5. Become My Next Private Coaching Client
Want to work directly with me 1-1?
Whether you want to become a better leader, systemize your business or simply get out of the day to day, I’ll help you get there…fast. I take very few clients for this program and have 2 open spots for 2020.
To get more info send an email to megan@vincegabriele.com and put “1-1” in the subject line…