Make Sure Your Team Is Working At Their Best

Yesterday I scheduled times for all of our year end meetings for our team.

Since we started in 2008 we have had these meetings and developed a very extensive process for evaluating the previous year and what we are going to accomplish moving forward.

I take these meetings very seriously and spend a very solid amount of time preparing for each person.

I usually take a solid hour per person to fill out as much as I can and then go back and revisit the document several times before the meeting.

I estimate I spend 1.5-3 hours preparing for each meeting.

The meetings will last for 60-90 minutes and I try not to schedule more than 2 per day.

Here is a basic outline for what we do

Core Values

The first thing we do is go over our core values.

I prepare a list of our values and have a specific example of how that person displayed or did not display that specific value.

This is a great exercise to always keep your core values at the forefronts your mind and your teams.

Too many gyms have core values that are selected but are pretty much useless because they are not brought into the company language and in many cases are not even known by the owners themselves.

Tip: If you give your core values an acronym they will be much easier for everyone to remember.


It is important to work through how each person is doing personally. These are things like rating the happiness of their job, how satisfied they are with themselves etc.

On this section and many of the others there is a rating of 1-4, 4 being the highest.


This is evaluating their performance in their day-to-day activities including current knowledge of basic skills such as anatomy, biomechanics etc.

This is an important part to realize where their weak points are and to add that into the goal section later on.

Here are sections we evaluate: Knowledge, Program design skill, Training execution, Representing GFP outside, Quality of work, communication, reporting.

In this section they are given the opportunity to evaluate the company and how well it is functioning toward its vision and things that can be done to improve their career.


In this section we highlight all the great things they accomplished over the past year

Strengths and Areas for development

As growth mindset minded people we spend the bulk of our time working through the areas of development

Goals for 2014

We work through and set goals for the upcoming year

This is a huge amount of work for me and almost everything takes a back seat to this project.

I truly value this process and definitely feel that consistency in feedback is a key to success.

If you have any questions on this please feel free to email me.

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