In my most recent CEO Mastermind meeting I challenged them to do something I’m positive will make their marketing work better.
Before I give you the actual advice…envision a large audience of people sitting in an auditorium.
That audience signifies the people in your target market.
It could be on an email list, your address book, your list of phone numbers, a social media platform or an ad campaign you have running.
Now think about what kind of results you’d get if you made an offer to this group once per month.
Next, bring it up to once per week.
Then, bring it up to 3x per week.
Finally, and this is the advice, bring it up to once per day.
Make one offer…everyday.
It could be an email.
It could be a social media post.
It could be a phone call to an old client.
The offer can be your 7 day free trial, a free consultation, a free month or even some type of information that gets them thinking about doing business with you.
It doesn’t matter…you just need to ask them to do business with you.
The key ingredient is to NOT leave the office till you make an offer.
I challenged my CEO Mastermind to do this for 90 days…every day until we have our next meeting.
Since these guys are at the top of their game, I’m sure they’ll do it.
How about you?
Up for this marketing challenge to make an offer a day?
Vince Gabriele
P.S. If you want a masters level education in marketing that’ll give you the skills to make money at will click here.