I sent this exact email to my newsletter list yesterday.
Extended Warning: Please do not swipe this email, even if you’re tempted to do so.
It is meant for example purposes only, please use this as a guide but use your own mind and creativity when writing emails.
Subject: legal battle
Hey First name,
Would you ever try to fight a legal battle without the help of a lawyer?
Probably not.
If you’re having a legal issue, you get a lawyer.
If you have pain in your lower back, you see a doctor.
If you want help with your money, you get a financial advisor.
If you need to fix an issue with your leaking sink, you hire a plumber.
If you’re having a mental breakdown, you see a therapist.
If you tried to do all the things above without the professionals it would probably not get done right.
Your fitness and nutrition deserves this same attention.
If you’re over 40 and you’re trying to navigate staying healthy and fit all by yourself…I commend you for your effort.
However, if you want results faster, safer and better…that’ll come with professional help…just like everything listed above.
Due to Covid-19 there has been a large request from people in our community for 1-1 personal training.
It seems that people just want us to take over for them… and tell them exactly what to do to stay healthy, strong and fit.
In fact, we signed up 29 new members for personal training in the month of July alone.
I think people are realizing the stressful situation we’re in and how much their health and fitness plays a role in navigating these times.
Want to join the party?
You can get started for FREE here.
Vince Gabriele
P.S. When you get inside, we’ve also added a section that outlines the bios of our trainers…so you can see which one matches up with you the best.
Hope this gives you some insight on how to enter the conversation going on in your prospects head.
But, I really want to talk email subject lines today.
I had a great call with a veteran gym owner that’s a subscriber to my new marketing membership program.
He’s been in the game for 26 years and we had a great talk, I always learn from people even when they’re looking to me for help with their business.
We got to the topic of email subject lines and he asked about any books I would recommend to write better subject lines.
I told him there were a few I’d recommend but I’d give him all he needs to know in just a few minutes.
If you can get good at this one thing…you’ll jack up your open rates and start making more money from your emails.
Here it is:
Create Curiosity.
In the email above I used the subject line: legal battle
This invokes extreme curiosity.
Think about the question that might come.
Is Vince Gabriele getting sued?
That kind of drama is well worth a click.
The drama of this drives curiosity which will improve open rates.
In that same email I had the term mental breakdown, within the copy.
This was the subject line I used to get you to open this email…and here you are…still reading 🙂
I could have gone either way and used mental breakdown or legal battle, both would have worked because of the extreme curiosity.
So, most effective strategy to drive email open rates is curiosity.
But there is one very specific subject line that will always trump curiosity.
It’s one I use sparingly but it’s the most effective by a landslide.
Want to know what it is?
I’ll be covering that in my LIVE coaching call next Thursday at 12 PM EST for the members of the MMIC.
You can register for that call and get the secret subject line here.
Vince Gabriele
PLUS…Whenever you’re ready here are 5 ways to work with me…
1. Get 60 Days of Business Coaching for $1
Test Drive my new “affordable” coaching program that will help you navigate this current pandemic and become the master of your marketing so you can be in complete control of your business destiny.
To get Access to this program click here.
2. Get A Free Website Audit
My resident Tech Nerd will hop on a call with you and check out your website and give you some serious tips to make that puppy finally start to bring you new clients!
You can book a call with my tech nerd here.
3. Subscribe to Second Ranked Fitness Business Podcast in the World
Get Access to well over 100 free opportunities to get business coaching from me and my very smart friends. Click Here to Listen.
4. Get Access to My 101 Ways to Get New Clients Without Spending Money
Click here to get it
5. Become My Next Private Coaching Client
Want to work directly with me 1-1?
Whether you want to become a better leader, systemize your business or simply get out of the day to day, I’ll help you get there…fast. I take very few clients for this program and have 2 open spots for 2020.
To get more info reply to this message and put “1-1” in the subject line…