I am currently writing my 3rd book in the Ultimate Guide Book Series for gym owners.
If not, click here (dates coming soon!):
Today’s quick tip for building a great team of coaches is to hire great humans and stop looking for good trainers.
That’s the recipe that wall street executives ask me about on a daily basis.

The title is the Ultimate Guide to Building an Outstanding Team for Your Gym.
I am going to unpack leadership, hiring, how to keep team members for the long haul, comp structures, bonus plans, team meetings, when to know to fire someone, etc.
It’s going to be chock full of 10 years of in the trenches experience.
It won’t be some boring HR book. I’ve got gobs of stories from juicy ones to others that will warm your soul.
It’s definitely going to be one you want to get your hands on because building a team is the second biggest challenge that gym owners face in the quest to grow a great business.
You already know the first one.
If not, click here (dates coming soon!):
Today’s quick tip for building a great team of coaches is to hire great humans and stop looking for good trainers.
I had a coaching client tell me it was impossible to find good trainers out there.
I told him to stop looking.
I can say this because I am a trainer at heart but it’s not rocket science.
Here is my Recipe:
Have great people skills and truly care about helping clients transform their life.
Willing to learn, grow and be part of a team.
Brings Positive energy and works hard.
That’s it.
That’s the recipe that wall street executives ask me about on a daily basis.
Business owners making millions a year asking me, a washed-up college football player turned personal trainer what the recipe is for a great team.
You now have it.
The only thing left is to become the leader these people want to follow.
That’s another very long story.

Plus, whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways to work with me:
1. Work with me 1-1 in 2019
1. Work with me 1-1 in 2019
In 2019, I will be taking on a few select gym owners to work with me in a private coaching program. This is not for newbies and you need to be doing at least $300K in revenue to be accepted into this program.
Email me personally to see if you qualify for this program at vince@gabrielefitness.com and put “1-1 in 2019” in the subject.
2. Get on the early bird list for my Spring 2019 Mentorship.
Join me and my team at my gym in New Jersey for 2 days and get a fire lit under you. This seminar has been the launching pad for many gym owners build the gym of their dreams.
Join me and my team at my gym in New Jersey for 2 days and get a fire lit under you. This seminar has been the launching pad for many gym owners build the gym of their dreams.
Email megan@gabrielefitness.com to get on early bird list.
Note: There’s no obligation to sign up but you’ll lock in early bird price which is a good idea because the investment will go up dramatically this year.
3. Listen to my Podcast
Note: There’s no obligation to sign up but you’ll lock in early bird price which is a good idea because the investment will go up dramatically this year.
3. Listen to my Podcast
If you’re not yet a subscriber to the Fitness Business University Podcast than click below to add this to your list. There are close to 40 episodes packed with money making info. Click the link and subscribe so you’ll get notified when new ones come out.
4. Attend a Mastermind Meeting
Join us on February 21-22 in Orlando, Florida for an SPF Mastermind Meeting.
Reply to this email with Orlando Mastermind in the subject to get more info.
Reply to this email with Orlando Mastermind in the subject to get more info.