new book i bought for my team

Close to 20 years ago, I sat in the front row of the Perform Better seminar…in awe of a man named Martin Rooney. 

This guy was unlike any other presenter I had ever seen…his energy was contagious. 

After that day, I wanted to influence people just like Martin had influenced me.

In order to do that, I sought out a personal friendship with Martin…fast forward 20 years, I’m honored that he asked me to help spread the word on this awesome new book. 

The book is titled High Ten: An Inspiring Story about Building Great Team Culture.
Martin has had a personal hand in shaping the culture of my gym. 

We’ve brought him in to speak to the GFP team and even had him speak at one of our Mastermind events in 2020…when his energy was needed more than ever. 

His teachings and methods on team culture are on point and this book is a resource you should purchase for yourself. 

Here’s a quote from the most famous business guru ever:

Culture eats strategy for breakfast”-Peter Drucker

Question…Why does one gym have several incidents of trainers leaving and taking half their clients…and others are open for 20 years and this never happens once?

Answer…Team Culture. 
I plan to purchase a copy for each of my team members in all 4 of my companies…

…Yes, even the nerds that work in the marketing agency will be required to read this book. 

This book comes with my 100% highest recommendation.

Here’s a suggestion to help you move further faster…after you read it…message Martin and tell him how it impacted you and your team. 

You never know what will come from it.

I’ve used this strategy many times…and now have several brilliant minds a phone call away…all because I showed appreciation for their work.

You can get copies at a discount here.

Vince Gabriele 

P.S. If you decide to order today, send me the receipt and I’ll send you a sweet gift that’ll make you some money.

P.P.S. There is NO AFFILIATE Link or compensation to me for recommending this book… I’m doing this because I believe in the Message and in Martin Rooney’s work.–martin-rooney?variationCode=9781119806165

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