Want To Become The Master of Your Marketing and Develop a Money Making Skill for Life?
Than please join me on February 4th for the 6-Week New Client Surge Program.
“From implementing what I learned in the Surge Program we get an average of 10 leads a week and convert on average 25/month to 12 month members”
-Matt Jennings, The Lift Gym, Pt Pleasant NJ
Your community is waiting for you to run this marketing play.
This podcast outlines my most successful marketing events ever. It was the catapult for our mist successful year ever in the history of my gym. It will get you new members, fire up your community and get them ALL talking about your gym.
It’s not just my gym that’s had this success either.
CEO of NEPA FIT in Pennsylvania got close to 300 people to fill out an application for this program.
There’s many other stories too.
You’ll get the gist of it in the podcast but if you want the full enchilada.
Go Here… 6-Week New Client Surge