Perfect Your Trainer Onboarding And Strangers Will Do This To You, Too

I was working out at my gym yesterday there was a guy who strolled in to attend our next session.

I could tell he was new–after 22 years I can tell when people are just getting started.

I asked him how long he was coming and just sparkled up a friendly conversation.

Nice guy.

Then, he asked me…

How long have you been coming?

I smiled and said I started 15 years ago.

It took him a second but he realized I owned the joint.

He was very happy to chat with me and offered some very nice compliments about my team.

While I don’t think being a ghost is good advice for you as the owner…

…and your business will be more successful if you’re very involved…it is possible to delight your members even if you’re not around.

He said, “everyone on your staff that I’ve met has been outstanding.”

Then, he made a point to come and tell me this…

“I worked out in a place like this a few years ago and I got injured because they had me doing some stupid stuff I wasn’t ready for.”

He went on to tell me how my trainers pushed him hard…but in the 2 weeks he had been coming…he felt very safe.

I think this is one of the most important ingredients for a trainer to have:

1) The confidence to push people to work hard, but…

2) The ability to keep them safe at the same time.

In a small group setting this is a little tougher than, say, a 1-1 session, but it’s definitely possible.

The best part of this was that the trainer he was working with was also only with us for 2 weeks!

Typically your newest trainer is a weak link, but not if you have a great onboarding process.

It’s one of the most important systems in your business.

This system should be scripted and trained hard for the first 90 days, followed by regular education and management.

But that first 90 days is crucial.

In fact, there was a Harvard study that said people decide whether they will stay in a job in the first 90 days.

These days, we cannot afford to lose good people due to mistakes like not having a solid trainer onboarding system for new coaches.

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