September Marketing Plan (7 Things)

Here’s how I’ll be getting new clients and driving more revenue in September 

1.  Charging Higher Prices and Offering more premium services…this concept is outlined in great detail in my new book which you can access for $1 here.

2.  Running My Sweepstakes in Mid-September to drive a serious amount of pent up leads

3.  Putting out regular authority content across multiple social media platforms so we can continue to build trust in 

4.  Email our List 3-6 times per week with very specific calls to action

5.  Aligning with one joint venture that shares a similar market to partner with on our sweepstakes

Side Note on Joint Ventures: I had one of the top gym owners in America do a 3-hour presentation on how to win BIG with Joint Ventures, you can access that presentation here

6.  Utilizing my new software called Nurture to run a text message marketing campaign to former clients

7.  Creating new services like recovery methods, Pilates and Stretch therapy to drive revenue from our current clientele.   

The good news for the people enrolled in my new coaching program is they’ll get the HOW for all this. 

Some of it will be taught in the monthly print newsletter that gets shipped to your home.

Others will be presented about on our LIVE call. 

A few of them I will be creating bonus videos inside the private Facebook community.

But all of them will be unpacked for the members of the Marketing Master Insiders Club.

It costs $1 to get into the program for the next 60 days. 

Huge Scarcity Alert.

I have 5 more people I’m letting in to lock in the founder’s rate of this program at $197 per month…should you decide to stay after your $1 trial.

After the next 5 people register the price will rise to $297/month. 

Vince Gabriele 

PLUS…Whenever you’re ready here are 5 ways to work with me…
1.   Get 60 Days of Business Coaching for $1
Test Drive my new “affordable” coaching program that will help you navigate this current pandemic and become the master of your marketing so you can be in complete control of your business destiny. 

To get Access to this program click here.

2.   Get A Free Website Audit
My resident Tech Nerd will hop on a call with you and check out your website and give you some serious tips to make that puppy finally start to bring you new clients!

You can book a call with my tech nerd here.

3.   Subscribe to Second Ranked Fitness Business Podcast in the World
Get Access to well over 100 free opportunities to get business coaching from me and my very smart friends. Click Here to Listen. 

4.   Get Access to My 101 Ways to Get New Clients Without Spending Money
Click here to get it 

5. Become My Next Private Coaching Client

Want to work directly with me 1-1?
Whether you want to become a better leader, systemize your business or simply get out of the day to day, I’ll help you get there…fast. I take very few clients for this program and have 2 open spots for 2020.

To get more info reply to this message and put “1-1” in the subject line…

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Hey, I’m Vince Gabriele. Listen to my award winning podcast by clicking below

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