The ONE Thing ALL Successful Gyms Have Done

There are lots of young gym owners out there that have gone from 0-100 members in a few years and they’re acting like they’ve made it.
They have some cash on hand, more than they’ve ever had in their life.
They think their program is the best.
They think that their community is in love with them.
They think they’ve mastered this business thing.
But they have only dabbled in stage one of business and have yet to move to a much harder stage. 
The stage that separates the gym owners from a life of training sessions and working in the gym from a life of prosperity and freedom.
This ONE thing is what I see over and over as the aspect of business where gym owners totally drop the ball.
This is the thing all successful gym owners have been able to do.
Build a Team.
A team is NOT a part time admin or a PT trainer.
A team is a group you bring into your world that share the same value sets and treat the business just as good or better than you.
A team is not a group of employees or people showing up for a paycheck.
A team is a group of people that give you the freedom to turn this gym into a real business, not a glorified job. 
In my work as a business coach I have witnessed first-hand the success many of my clients have had in this arena.
All of them were grateful, caring and clearly communicated what was expected.
These are the gym owner that see their kids get on the bus every morning.
These are the gym owners that can leave to go watch their kids at a school play at 10 AM.
These are the gym owners that don’t have to work on weekends.
These are the gym owners that have done the hard work and transformed themselves from personal trainers into real business owners.
Getting clients in the beginning is easy.
Becoming a leader is not.
Once you get to your critical mass of customers, your job changes.
If this job is done right you’ll have a better life as a gym owner.
P.S Stay tuned into my email tomorrow for a huge announcement.

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