Today Vince Gabriele talks with you about a email he sent recently that got a lot of feedback. The secret to solving all of your business problems…and believe it or not, that one secret, that one thing you need to solve all of your business problems is you!
Vince uses an analogy of Lebron James, and how without him or without him at 100%, the team is not going to perform as well. Just like LeBron James, dominates the game when he’s in it, you also dominate your business when you’re in it. If you are sick, not your best, your business will suffer without you.
You have to know and understand how important you are, to your business. You are both the problem and the solution. Take full responsibility and ownership of where your business is and the results you have.
Think carefully about how you feel and how it correlates almost directly to how well your business performs. Think about when things are going well in your world, your home life is happy and thriving, your health is optimal and your business is successful. Now think about when you aren’t feeling well, you and you partner just aren’t getting along, your health is suffering and your business likely is too.
You must know how important you are to the success of your business. You must protect your well-being and that means yourself, your health, your home life and those that you care the most about. Protecting those things, will enhance your productivity and ultimately make you more successful. Are you investing in the most important relationships that you have?
Vince explains, how the most important relationship he has in his business, is actually his relationship with his wife, or maybe it’s with one of your trainers. It’s vital that you take care of the most important relationships in your life, as they will have a direct affect on your business.