This Will Excite You Because It’s Cool

I used to think getting your logo stamped on everything was a waste of money.

I looked at the people who handed out pens, Koozies and magnetic calendars as people that just did not get marketing for a small business.

In some ways, I still think this.

As a form of marketing for a small business, branding strategies such as those listed above are designed to get potential customers to see your stuff over and over, and eventually when they need what you do, they will think of you.

It works great for massive advertising budgets, NOT for most gym owners like you and me.

With that being said, referrals are usually the most effective means for getting new members. Most gyms just get them or worse, expect them.

Very few, do very calculated things to drive referrals.

To revisit our pen and Koozie discussion, there is a term that’s very important for you to know;


This is being everywhere so you can always be on the minds of your members.

Now all the stuff with your logo makes perfect sense.

Now the magnet on the back of your client’s car makes sense.

Now, private label supplements make sense.

Now, coffee mugs with your logo make sense.

When you put your info on stuff your members use on a daily basis, your gym will be on your clients mind more often and will drive more referral conversations.

I’ll be unpacking how we use this in our business, it’s really fun and very effective for driving the highest quality people to your business.

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