Why You Can’t Break 500K

I was on the phone all day yesterday talking to gym owners about the 6 Week New Client Surge Program 

 Many of the conversations were about their 3 biggest challenges 

  1. Marketing 
  1. The right pricing structures 
  1. Follow-up with leads 

As much as I love marketing, if your business is structured in a way that’s not profitable, you’ll always be chasing your tail.  

Many of the people were asking me about getting more clients so they could grow their gyms. 

The reality is, this could be the wrong mindset. 

Do you really need more people? 

Or do you just want to hit a profit goal?

Most gyms are sitting on a pot of money, all they need to do is make a few key decisions to activate it. 

Those decisions are not always the easiest to see with your own eyes and it may take an outside person to actually point out the obvious. 

Here’s an example: 

50 new people at $100= 5K/month 

25 new people at $200= 5K a month as well 

You probably can find 25 before you get 50 

In module 6 of the Surge we go over how to structure your pricing to be able to make more money from less members.  

Here’s something to think about: 200 members at $300 per month is a $720,000 per year business, that’s a damn good business with not a lot of members.  

I am willing to bet there are 200 people in your community that will pay you $300/month.  You just need to find them and solve their problems.  

It’s so possible with the right pricing structure and the right marketing. 

You can get both here. 


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