Your Best Friend During Covid-19

Due to this crazy time, gyms are scrambling to get a grip on their business. 

I’ve said this several times before but the number one thing you need to do in this situation is preserve what you currently have. 

Your clients are all dealing with this.

The moms are cooped up all day with the kids.
People are getting laid off.
People are working from home.
Many people are working more hours than ever.

Your job as a gym owner is to serve your members during this challenging time.

I’ve been asked hundreds of questions over the last few weeks about how they should deal with certain situations.

My answer varies but almost 100% of the time the method of how they should give the answer is the same.

Call them.

Call them and have a conversation. 

Social distancing, although probably a good idea to help reduce the spread of the virus, has wreaked havoc on the human connection we crave.

An email and text are great but in this situation, I’d be picking up the phone and calling people in almost every situation possible.

Yes, this takes longer.

Yes, it takes more energy.

But it strengthens the relationship and there’s really nothing more important right now than that.

Here’s a question for you to chew on. 

Over the last few weeks, I am guessing your hospitality and service to your current members has been at an all-time high.

You’re getting back to them immediately, reaching out more and giving them everything they need…

What if you ran your business like this all the time?

What are the chances people would leave?

Phase 3 of my 4 step Covid-19 strategy is to set your business up to be stronger when your return.

This should include what you will stop doing that you did before and what lessons you can bring from this crisis into your future business. 

Think about your current level of customer service and start to figure out how to keep going,

Vince Gabriele 

Plus, whenever you’re ready here are 4 ways to work with me…

1.Work with me 1-1

Want to work directly with me 1-1? Whether you want to become a better leader, systemize your business or simply get out of the day to day I’ll help you get there…fast. I take very few clients for this program and have 2 open spots for 2020

To get more info Reply to this message and put “1-1” in the subject line…

2.  Get a FREE Hard Copy of Marketing Book

Want to get more clients? Here’s a book that needs to be in your library. I bought you a copy, just cover the shipping. Click the link below to get it.

3.  Subscribe to the FBU Podcast

If you want to listen to the podcast that built to help brick and mortar gym owners become successful business owners this is a must add to your library. We have a ton of episodes already recorded and release new episodes weekly.

Click to subscribe now

4. Inquire about the SPF Mastermind

Need ongoing coaching and accountability? Join a super motivated group of gym owners that meet 3x/ year to make more money so they can have more free time with their family. There is so much more you get with this but the only way to apply is through a call with me and I unpack everything for you.

To apply send me an email,, with “mastermind” in the subject.

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